Thursday, December 3, 2009


It's been quite awhile since I've updated with the whole crazy moving thing but we are now moved and settling into the new place...we're waiting on cupboard doors so we're still living out of boxes but hopefully we will have them this week and we'll get everything unpacked. Then I can decorate...I love Christmas! We are planning on taking a trip to cut Christmas tress this year, depending on if its snowing or not. We'll be taking some good friends along with us, it should be an awesome time and I'll take lots of pictures.

Also in honour of the Holiday season a good friend and I are going to start Christmas baking and we're going to do The 12 Days of Cookies! Starting on Monday we'll be baking a recipe a day (some will be spaced out) for 12 days, they will be all sorts of different recipes, which will be very exciting (we might toss a few extra in there like the classic shortbreads etc!) I'm going to attempt a couple gluten free cookie recipes too which should be interesting. I will be blogging about them as we go so you can stay tuned...I'll give you a hint for Monday it will be something yummy, that smells slightly reminiscent of spices and you can use it to build things!