Thursday, May 23, 2013

Flats and Handwashing Callenge Day 4: How's it going eh?

Well it's Day 4 of the Flats challenge...I forgot to blog yesterday...I'm a bit terrible at this still.

Today is all about how hand washing is going for you. Let me start by telling you this...hand washing in a very busy household with 3 children under 5 is crazy and busy. I thought hooray less diapers to wash then when we do a load every 2 days, I can do this every night. I will win at all the cloth diaper washing....hahaha...yea...not so much.

We are taking the simple approach, no rigged up washing machines etc for us. Just the kitchen sink, some dish soap, my hands and a clothes line. Hand washing is pretty simple. My diapers look lovely soaking away in the sink. I let them soak for about 10 minutes and then go to town scrubbing and plunging and squishing them to cleanliness! It's relaxing and pretty easy, even with the poop stained ones. Those I take a scrub brush and more soap to, but I'm not the laundry queen and still end up with stains. (Someone tell me how to get stains outta ALL my diapers!)

Flats in the sink
Then we move on to the rinsing. This is where it gets tricky. I wring out all the soapy water, drain the sink, rinse it out and then fill it up again with clean water. Then in go the flats and I plunge the heck outta them. After that process I rinse them under running water (into my sink of now slightly soapy rinse water), wring them out and toss them in the basket.

Off we go outside to hang them to dry (unless of course it is today...) I love line drying, it makes everything smell so clean and fresh! Plus generally we have a wind breeze (Did you know Lethbridge gets hurricane force winds on a regular basis, the only difference is we don't get the destructive effect of the water along with the wind), breezes make things dry faster!

Just a bit of a breezy day and sunshine! 
So all in all hand washing is going pretty decently, other then that I just don't have much time for it...seriously this week we have been home very little, my house is suffering. In fact we are taking advantage of the rainy day today to catch up on some laundry and general clean up. Maybe I should go wash this round of flats too while I'm at it.

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